Saturday, January 14, 2012

  Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you, And everything you do, Yeah, they were all yellow
        (I know it says stars but the yellow just goes with it)

This picture was taken in St. Joseph, MO while living with my mom and sister for 9 months. The only thing I do love about the north is how vibrant the leaves get starting and during fall season. I wish I did a time lapse video from green to the last fall leaf. Maybe this year I will. This was capture from the same Kodak camera. The reason I wanted this type of Kodak camera because it looked like a professional(so did the Fujifilm I had also). The date was October 2009. I think this was when I really started taken nature pictures. I thought about putting this on a canvas one day along with a few of my other favorites. 

Photography is a passion I have. I like to explore. I can make the little things in life to become beautiful things. Creativity has a lot to do with it. The picture above, of course, is the Scrabble game pieces. It was taken from a Kodak camera. My first camera, actually. I was practicing the focus on the camera and to get used to it. I practiced the angles a lot with objects. I even done some self portraits(you'll see on this blog). This is something I plan on doing for the rest of my life and career. Some people had doubts about me but I'm going to prove them wrong. I'm going to school for photojournalism. My goal is to be a published photographer in a magazine, hopefully the National Geographic. I love to do freelance. Like I said before, traveling is not a problem with me because I love it tremendously. I hope you all like what I show on this blog for the world to see. I'm going to post some of the first pictures I've taken and work my way up to how I capture today.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Information About Me

What I Capture: 
 Family Portraits
 Group shots
 Head shots
 Senior portraits
 Band pictures

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