Your wonderful Mitt Romney:
- laid off thousands of workers as head of the investment company Bain Capital.
- set up shell companies in the Cayman Islands and Bermuda to avoid U.S. taxes.
- calls Obama’s payroll tax cut that would save middle class/lower income families $1,500 a year “temporary little band aids.”
- plan for a “middle class tax cut” would provide zero benefits to 73.9 percent of the middle class.
- called for taxes on the poor, saying low-income Americans having no income tax liability is “a problem” that will “kill the country.”
- would repeal the Dodd-Frank bill, which regulates the risky practices that led to the 2008 crisis.
- said he wants to “get the federal government out of education”
- As governor, vetoed a minimum wage increase to $8 an hour.
- said he “cannot see that a Cabinet position would be justified” for an American Muslim.
- opposes troop withdrawal from Iraq.
- said that catching bin Laden would be “insignificant” and it’s “not worth moving heaven and earth.”
- supports drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
- supports penalties for doctors who perform an abortion.
- would “absolutely” support a state constitutional amendment to define life as beginning at conception, which would restrict women’s right to an abortion.
- pledged to expand a Bush-Era policy of permitting doctors to deny women access to contraceptives.
- drafted a bill to exempt a religious group from nondiscrimination rules, allowing it to ban gay couples from adopting children.
- refused to condemn the booing of a gay soldier at a GOP debate.
- blamed pornography for the Virginia Tech shooting. (WTF?)
- first act as president would be to allow all states to opt out of health reform through executive action, which would be illegal.
- feels Americans’ pain because he’s “also unemployed.” Romney was worth $250 million in 2008.
- won’t release his tax returns.
- “loves” george bush
- thinks windows in airplanes should open
- believes that rapists should have parental rights over children resulting from the rape they committed.
So no, YOU do your research. If that last three, especially, don’t make you think Romney is a complete idiot, then you’re on some other shit.
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